Completed articles must be submitted in MS Word as an e-mail attachment sent to polarflight@arcticmail.com Alternatively, you may fax articles to 1-603 297-9227. However, illustrations, in .jpg or .gif format only, must be e-mailed. Articles should be single-spaced in 12 pt. Arial font. Please use the following format: |
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At top of first page: |
Name (as you wish it to appear with article) |
Address |
City, State/Province |
Country |
Fax # (optional) |
E-mail address (required) |
Note: name only will be used with article. |
(Caps and centered on page) |
Begin article here. Please indent for paragraphs. It is not necessary to leave a space between paragraphs. |
(end of first page) |
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(Second and subsequent pages at top of page): |
Last name/word or two from title p. -- of -- |
Example: Rhodes/Polar Aviation p. 2 of 3 |
Note: using this format, it is not necessary to number pages at the bottom. |
Continue article. |
- END - |
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Include after article: |
Illustrations: at least one, maximum five, in .jpg or .gif format. |
Suggested reading: at least one book with short comment. |
Link(s) to other site(s): supply URLs. |
By-line data: what you would like others to know about you, 2-3 lines maximum. |